
The Region - News from Aug. 26, 1987

After more than 800 people turned out to hear and take part in a debate over whether South Gate should form its own publicly owned electric utility company, the City Council postponed the controversial issue for 30 days. Only one of 30 speakers favored the city’s proposal to buy out facilities of Southern California Edison Co. and form a city-run power company. Three council members--Mayor Henry Gonzalez and Councilmen Bill DeWitt and Herb Cranton--voted to delay a vote on the plan to take over operations of Edison by the beginning of next year. Councilmen Del Snavely and John Sheehy abstained. The council was to consider starting condemnation proceedings against the 50-mile transmission and distribution system that runs through the city. Council members said they will use the 30-day delay to get information to the community on how the plan would work.
