
Slow-Growth Forces

Ralph Frammolino’s article, “Slow-Growth Forces Now Hold City Hall Power” scares me to death. He quotes a lobbyist as saying that nine people, calling themselves Citizens for Limited Growth, have some very real power. The searing question is, who are these people who seem to have so much power over San Diego’s growth or demise?

Frammolino’s thumbnail sketch of the group only heightens my alarm because he points up that these self-anointed gurus are unknown quantities. The majority are relative newcomers. They have been publicly elected by nobody to their seats of power. Mayor Maureen O’Connor summoned her elitist group to decide our destiny behind the scenes. As Frammolino’s story title suggests, the mayor and the council have handed over City Hall to these nine; the elected officials are on legislative recess, and, the fate of the electorate is surely of no concern to any of them. What chumps we are and how easily undermined.


San Diego
