
Junk Mail

I used to make small contributions to politicians from time to time. I then held the slow-learner notion that I was helping to balance the decisive power of the mammoth corporations and major recipients of U.S. foreign aid, who heavily influence our elections by laundering back a timely $100 million or so of that aid. My puny contributions have got me on the great inter-party “list!”

I now receive position brochures, invented lists of exploits and other PR’d stuff to solicit my dollars to elect someone to this or that. Someone told me that they don’t really need my tiny contributions. It seems they only want me so they can claim they’ve got “broad support!”

In these times of big money, big lying and government-by-entertainers, I want to give up. What this country now needs is not a good 5-cent cigar nor even TV preachers who approach 5% integrity level, but a good $10 way to get off those junk-mail lists.



San Diego
