
Videos, Takeout Couched This Potato

According to article after article, all the really hip people are turning into couch potatoes, proudly staying home at night to watch videos instead of hitting the hot spots. Let me assure you that it was not an attempt at trendiness that kept me at home this week.

I was supposed to be at Sugar Shack. That’s the new Caribbean place on Pico Boulevard that seems to be the latest restaurant discovery. Everybody kept asking if I’d been there yet, but somehow I kept finding excuses not to go.

One of them was Netty’s, a new takeout place at 1700 Silver Lake Blvd., (213) 662-8655. The place is small, friendly and reasonably priced. Offerings include dishes like pasta putanesca, cold poached salmon, and a number of nice salads. One night I rented “Hobson’s Choice” and watched it while munching on a large and satisfying flank steak sandwich with gorgonzola cheese. The next night, watching the great restaurant movie of all time, “History Is Made at Night,” I dined on sweet sausage lasagna. The service wasn’t much, but at least there weren’t any dishes to be done.


Next week this potato will get off the couch and go to Sugar Shack.
