
San Diego

A sewage spill contaminated part of the San Diego River and Dog Beach, the county Health Services Department reported Tuesday.

The spill could have occurred between 1:20 and 2:40 a.m. Monday, when the county’s major pump station in the 4000 block of Harbor Drive stopped operating during routine maintenance. But the source of the spilled sewage is still unknown, according to Health Services Department spokeswoman Yvonne Rehg, who declined to estimate how much sewage had spilled.

City workers found that the overflow valves were dry, Rehg said, so the sewage might not have spilled during the pump outage.


The San Diego River west of Interstate 5 and Dog Beach, where the river empties into the ocean, have been posted with warning signs, Rehg said. The county will test the area daily until it is again safe.
