
Cat Lady at Lockheed

I don’t hold out much hope for ever encountering any heavenly angels, so am always pleased when one appears here on earth. Marie Newberry (July 10, 14) may keep her wings folded and out of sight, but the halo can be seen by anyone who bothers to look.

Lockheed should give her a special bonus to compensate for all the years she fed their cats. It was Lockheed’s responsibility to contact a humane organization long ago and arrange for them to trap the females and have them spayed.

We all need to realize we are on this earth, not to impress one another, but rather to help one another. To experience love is really our only reason for being, and we demonstrate love when we are kind to all creatures. If the world ever becomes truly civilized, we will all be like Marie Newberry, and no longer will anyone be so cruel as to throw a sweet baby kitten off a rooftop to perish.



Los Angeles
