

The litter problem in Southern California seems to keep getting worse. But I’ve discovered an easy way for the “good guys,” who do not litter, to help make up for all the cretins who do.

Every day, on my early morning walk, I take along a brown paper grocery bag. I make it a point to pick up some of the miscellaneous trash I come across while getting my daily exercise. Of course, I avoid the really messy stuff in the interests of personal hygiene. But it’s amazing how many unsightly cans, wrappers and bottles you can pick up with little or no extra effort.

This daily ritual helps me: (1) stay in shape, (2) improve the appearance of my neighborhood, and (3) maybe even raise local property values a little.


Try it where you live. It makes a difference. Maybe someday, we’ll even outnumber the litter bugs.


Costa Mesa
