
Kuwait Says It Won’t Provide Bases for U.S.

From Times Wire Services

The Kuwaiti prime minister said today that his country will not provide air or naval bases to U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf but left open the possibility of providing “facilities” to American forces escorting Kuwaiti oil tankers.

“We are not ready to offer air bases or naval bases,” Prime Minister Sheik Saad al Abdullah al Sabah said in a rare news conference that lasted three hours.

“In case the Americans need some sort of a facility, this could be discussed. As regards military facilities, this could be discussed with our military people.”


Western diplomats here said that in raising the possibility of providing “facilities,” the Kuwaitis were only talking about the provision of fuel and water--which the U.S. Navy will have to pay for.

No Aircraft Aid

“No proposal has been made for any regular support facilities for aircraft,” said one diplomat.

Sheik Saad reiterated Kuwait’s appreciation for the U.S. reflagging of Kuwaiti tankers and the Soviet leasing of three tankers. Kuwaiti shipping has often been the target of Iranian attacks because the country supports Iraq in the nearly 7-year-old Persian Gulf war.


Asked if he would support a U.S. preemptive strike on Iranian missile sites or a retaliatory attack against Iran if the U.S. escorts were attacked, Sheik Saad said: “These are now American tankers. I am sure--I have no doubt--that the Americans will defend the American flag.”

Not Paying Costs

Sheik Saad also disclosed that Kuwait is not paying for the costs of the U.S. escort operation in the gulf, saying it was not “Kuwait’s concern.”

He said Kuwait called on the superpowers to help protect the country’s economy and did not seek any kind of confrontation in the region.


In preparation for trips by the 11 reflagged Kuwaiti tankers, the U.S. and Saudi Arabian navies helped Kuwaiti divers clear mines Sunday from gulf waters near Kuwait. (Story on Page 8.) U.S. vessels are expected to begin escort duties Wednesday.
