
Local News in Brief : Challenger in Election Sues Wachs, TV Station

An unsuccessful challenger to Los Angeles City Councilman Joel Wachs in April’s election filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Wachs, the ABC television network and its local affiliate, KABC, alleging that he was slandered when the councilman and local news commentators said he engaged in a smear campaign.

In the Los Angeles Superior Court complaint, which asks $10 million, candidate Jerry Hays said Wachs went on television three days before the election, saying Hays was responsible for a campaign mailer that accused Wachs of “engaging in activities that spread the disease of AIDS.”

Hays claims that he found it difficult to refute Wachs’ allegations just three days before the election and that the allegations caused him to lose. In the April 14 balloting for the northeast San Fernando Valley’s 2nd District council seat, Hays finished second among four candidates with 29% of the vote. Wachs won with 65%.


The mailer, which attacked Wachs for serving as grand marshal of the Gay Pride Parade in West Hollywood in 1982, was sent out by Daniel C. Faller. He is president of the Apartment Owners Assn., which has opposed Wachs because of his support of rent control. Faller said he acted independently of the association and Wachs’ opponents.

During the campaign, Hays, who was supported by the apartment owners’ association, denied any involvement in the mailer.

Wachs could not be reached for comment.
