
Becoming Legal : A guide to the new immigration law in the workplace : Getting Help

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The INS has established a toll-free number--(800) 777-7700--with recorded messages in English and Spanish on the basic requirements of the immigration law. There are seven major categories of information available:

General information.

Information about amnesty.

Locations of INS offices.

Information about applying for permanant residence for Cuban or Hatian nationals .

Information on legalization for agricultural workers.

Information for employers.

Locations of private organizations designated by INS to assist persons applying for amnesty.

Employers needing I-9 forms to comply with the law or with questions should contact the following INS Employer and Labor Relations Officers at the following offices:


In Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties:

Dan Pursglove or Raymond Downie, INS Employer and Labor Relations Office, 300 N. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles 90012.

(213) 894-5800.

In the city of San Diego:

Terence Wilson, Immigration Investigations Office, 880 Front St., San Diego 92188. (619) 557-6011.


In San Diego County:

Gene Smithburg, Border Patrol Headquarters, 3752 Beyer Blvd., P.O. Box 73022, San Ysidro 92073. (619) 428-7251.

In Imperial County:

Douglas Hunter, Border Patrol Headquarters, 1111 N. Imperial Ave., P.O. Box 60, El Centro.92243. (619) 352-3241.

The INS Employer and Labor Relations Office in the Los Angeles region will provide speakers and materials to employers or civic groups, chambers of commerce, trade associations, labor unions, employee associations, etc. The office also can provide a video on how to complete the I-9 form. Contact the office at (213) 894-5800.


The United Way of Los Angeles County has a directory for employers. Contact Dan Verches in the Planning Division at (213) 736-1300.

The Coalition on Immigrant Rights in Orange County also can answer employer questions. Contact Robert Nava at (714) 834-4796.

The Greater San Diego Chamber of Commerce can provide assistance for employers. Call Barbara Stempel at (619) 232-0124.
