
Deukmejian’s Stand on OSHA

The excuses are over, now how about some responsible action? The budget is now in the black. The state costs for Cal/OSHA are $8 million less, $2.5 million generated by Cal/OSHA. Actual cost is $5.5 million in today’s dollars. The state income overage is $2,770 million. One percent of this one year overage will fund Cal/OSHA for five years.

The budget was the only reason given by Deukmejian’s representatives at the public meetings of the Senate Industrial Relations Committee, and responses to letters from our membership, regarding your elimination of Cal/OSHA. Doesn’t this sound weak?

Why turn the program over to bigger government? What happened to Deukmejian’s policies of supporting law enforcement and reducing big government?




California Crane Certification Assn.

San Pedro
