Just Itching to Locate a Scalp Treatment
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T. S. King of Hollywood has been looking for Baker’s P & S Liquid, which consists of phenol, sodium chloride and liquid paraffin oil and is used as a scalp treatment; the product was once marketed by the Chester A. Baker Laboratories of Miami, but lately it has been difficult to locate. Can you help before King feels like scalping somebody, or will he have to start scratching his head over the treatment he’s getting?
Hans Stern of Westwood is trying to locate something that will remove stubborn water stains from the inside of a crystal flower vase. Can you see any point in Stern “stain” around for an answer, or will it be crystal clear to everybody that his hopes have been nipped in the bud?
Winnie Salinas of Sylmar would like to get her hands on a cargo cover (either a retractable window-blind type or a removable lid) for her 1987 Mazda 323 wagon. Can you help in this cover-up, or will Salinas eventually be forced to toss in the blanket?
Reader-to-Reader Help Line: For the June wedding of a friend, Cheryl at (818) 996-4642 has dedicated herself to obtaining the lyrics and music to “Wedding Song,” written by Paul Stookey (of Peter, Paul & Mary) about a dozen years ago and no longer available; please see to it that the bride leaves the church with the proper song in her heart. . . . Florence at (619) 375-5620 wants to get her hands on refills for Pick-Up Sticks , a roller that picks up lint and is cleaned by a rinse of warm soapy water; she’s had the product for many years and suspects it’s no longer being manufactured. Please help before Florence has to really hit the dirt, because it’s no soap on the search
Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items and for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.
Charles R. Pavlik of Chatsworth, who was looking for men’s socks with non-elastic tops (as was Dorothy Darnell of Fullerton), need not wear out many pairs of socks to get his wish. Almost within walking distance, at 6651 Fallbrook Ave. in Canoga Park, is the J C Penney catalogue sales office; this came from Frank Taylor of Los Angeles, who also suggests the catalogue put out by L.L. Bean Inc., Freeport, Me. 04033. Other mail-order sources are the Vermont Country Store, P.O. Box 3000, Manchester Center, Vt. 05255 (from Jack Marcus, Los Angeles), and Kayser-Roth Hosiery Co., Interwoven Division, P.O. Box 159, Goldstone, N.C. 27252 (ask for Sized London Guards Non-Bridging Tops No. 8302); this came from Luanna Moore of Huntington Park. Elizabeth Urman of Westminster special orders Gold Toe socks from Robinson’s; she says the last socks she ordered cost $5 a pair but wore very well. A Whittier reader says she can machine-knit non-elastic washable wool socks in white, navy or argyle. Readers intrigued by such flexibility may send a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Readers who have been looking for a firm that refinishes appliance tops can contact A-1 Appliance Refinishing, 14709 Lull St., Van Nuys, Calif. 91405, (818) 785-3151; they do cook tops, oven doors and other appliances and can match just about any color.
Herb Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who need--or have--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.