
Fullerton : Police Find Burglary Suspect and Tunnels

A Buena Park man was arrested on suspicion of burglary Friday after police discovered a series of tunnels through the attic walls of a retail complex, police said Friday.

Police officer Linda King said Woodrow Sexton, 26, was arrested after police searched the building and uncovered the network of tunnels. She said a caller told police that a man was tunneling into a self-service laundry in the 130 block of North Raymond Avenue.

King said police surrounded the business complex, began a 2 1/2-hour search and discovered tunnels through the attics of three stores in the building, including the laundry where Sexton was found hiding.


Sexton was booked into the Fullerton City Jail on suspicion of burglary, King said. Bail was set at $10,000.
