Pressure on Our Youth to Experiment With Drugs
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As a teen-ager growing up in the 1980s, I have some insight into the problem of drugs and youth.
Everywhere I turn there is alcohol and drugs being pushed toward me. The authority figures tell me to simply turn around and walk the other way, but I just bump into more drugs. I think the problem is more serious than they realize.
My peers have pushed me out of the group because I continue to try and get them to walk with me. I am beginning to wonder if there is something special about these drugs that I don’t see. I know that I can become dependent on, or even die from the first consumption. I am confused about the entire dilemma.
I have tried attending some sober support group meetings but do not seem to fit in there either. Most of the people in these groups are recovering drug addicts or family members of drug addicts.
If we are going to win the war on drugs, more attention must be paid to the pressure on our youth to experiment and be one of the group. If this pressure can be reduced, the amount of people that try drugs for the first time will decrease also.
Canoga Park