

Even though I am a hard-hearted conservative, my soul screams in anguish for poor Giovanni Bica and his declining pizza business near Los Angeles City College (“Now That’s a N.Y. Pizza!” by Phil Tracy, March 8).

With only 13,000 potential customers, down from over 20,000 in 1982, he certainly has a problem. Instead of riches and prosperity, he now has an opportunity to remain only mildly affluent. All this is the fault of Gov. George Deukmejian, who has so cruelly banished book-loving students to a torture worse than death: namely, to help pay for their own education.

If schooling and politics are writer Tracy’s forte, Lord help us all (is it allowable to write Lord ?).

Here’s a possible solution: Promote, run specials, try offering coupons. It can’t hurt, and it’s even tax-deductible.


Los Alamitos
