
Deaver’s Change of Mind on Independent Counsel

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It is most enlightening to read what former White House aide Michael Deaver had to say in April, 1986, when he asked his friend, Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese III, to seek appointment of an independent counsel concerning charges of conflict of interest. I quote from The Times story as reported on April 29:

“Elementary due process and fairness to me and my family require appointment of an independent counsel.

“While I’m grateful for the President’s continuing support, the climate has become such that this is the only way to resolve the issue fairly.”


I feel certain that the attorney general will point out to Deaver that independent counsels are really a fine concept since one “cleared” him (Meese) of any criminal wrongdoing when he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Deaver’s response might be: “That’s all well and good but I got a bum counsel who couldn’t see the righteousness of my actions. I am, therefore, going to blow the whistle on the whole idea. You see, Ed, I’d much rather have you investigate me.”


