
Lori Koutouratsas of Santa Monica and Culver...

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Lori Koutouratsas of Santa Monica and Culver City residents Lilia Parra and Clarisse Visaya have received appointments funded by the Minority Biomedical Research Support Program. Koutouratsas is a junior biology major and Parra and Visaya are both senior biology majors, all at Mount St. Mary’s College. Koutouratsas, working with biology professor Mary Colavito, has been testing the effects of chemical modification in the genetic structure of yeast. Visaya and Parra, working with department chairwoman Sister Annette Bower, have been testing a chemical that reduces the chances of heart attacks in animals. The funding program is a division of the National Institute of Health.

Author Irving Stone and his wife, Jean, will be honored as Parents of the Year at Cedars-Sinai Helping Mother’s Day Luncheon on May 8 at the Beverly Hilton. The Stones have a daughter, Paula Hubbell, a son, Ken Stone, and a grandson.

Architectural designer Tanya Morgan Rosenberg has won an architectural design award given by the Beverly Hills Architectural Commission. Rosenberg is being honored for her work on Tallarico, a jewelry store at 188 N. Canon Drive. The award will be presented by the Beverly Hills City Council and commissioners at a City Council meeting this month.


UCLA junior Susan Groover was crowned Miss Culver City on Friday by last year’s queen, Ferrari Wilkes, after a beauty pageant at Veteran’s Memorial Building. A voice student, Groover performs pop music and is studying acting in preparation for a stage and screen career.

Andrew Galef has been appointed chairman of the board of advisers for the UCLA Program in Entrepreneurial Studies, according to J. Clayburn La Force, dean of the UCLA Graduate School of Management. Galef is president of Spectrum Group Inc., a Los Angeles-based merchant banking organization, which he founded in 1978.

Jack and Arlyn Farrell, both graduates of the UCLA School of Management, have donated about $50,000 to the school to establish an endowed fund for research in accounting and information systems. Jack Farrell, who teaches accounting at the school, is a retired partner in the accounting firm of Price Waterhouse.


Los Angeles Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky has appointed Westside environmental activist Barbara Fine to the newly created Citywide Solid Waste Site Advisory Committee to oversee the location and environmental impacts of proposed trash-to-energy incineration plants, Lancer II and II. Sara Berman has been appointed as alternate. Fine is a long-time resident of Benedict Canyon and has served on the board of directors of Benedict Canyon Homeowners Assn. She was part of Mayor Tom Bradley’s Ad Hoc Committee on Solar Energy and is chairwoman of the geology, hydrology and infrastructure committee of the Federation of Hillside and Canyon Assn. Next month, she will be sworn in as vice president of the association. Berman is president of the West of Westwood Homeowners Assn. She was on the Countywide Task Force on the Homeless and was the Los Angeles County representative on the California Working Group on the Homeless.

Dr. Shaul Massry of Beverly Hills has received the USC Associate Award for Creativity in Research and Scholarship. The USC professor of medicine is internationally recognized for his research on mineral metabolism and nephrology, the study of kidney functions and disorders. In 1974, he became chief of the division of nephrology in USC’s School of Medicine.
