
Maureen’s Ideas Hers--Not Her Dad’s

United Press International

President Reagan indicated today that he does not agree with his daughter Maureen that former national security aides John M. Poindexter and Oliver L. North should be court-martialed for not keeping the President informed about the Iran- contra scheme.

“I gave up arguing with my daughter long ago,” Reagan told Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas and other Republican leaders at a Cabinet Room session.

Maureen Reagan, co-chairman of the Republican National Committee, told reporters Monday that the President was “royally P.O.’ed” over the behavior of North and Poindexter and that they should be court-martialed. (Story, Page 8.)

Reagan fended off a series of questions during a lighthearted picture-taking session with the GOP leaders. He repeatedly told reporters he could not answer questions “because I lost my voice.”


‘He’s Not Going to Talk’

Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.) chided reporters: “He told you he’s not going to talk,” drawing loud laughter from the other leaders seated at the table.

Reagan brushed off a question from a reporter about Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger’s complaint that the Tower Commission erred in criticizing him and Secretary of State George P. Shultz for having “distanced themselves from the march of events” that led to the Iran arms affair and the trading of weapons for hostages.

Reagan said he would make a statement later. White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said “later” meant the President’s radio address next Saturday.


Fitzwater said Reagan has “the highest trust and confidence” in Weinberger.

The spokesman would not comment on a report in today’s Washington Post that Weinberger unsuccessfully urged Reagan to include a passage in his speech to the nation last Wednesday that would have absolved him and Shultz of the blame the Tower Commission cast on them.
