
Orange County’s Peace Movement

I would like to share some observations about your recent Orange County article “Doves in a Hawk’s Nest”.

Regretfully, you erred by stating that Alliance for Survival is the oldest peace group in the county. The United Nations Assn. was organized here in 1952 and has functioned uninterrupted since. It now has two chapters in the county and a gift shop which has generated over $50,000 for a variety of peace causes.

Rep. Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove) states that the peace movement “represents 1% of the population of the county.” How can anyone who has lived in this county for only a little over two years come up with any meaningful personal insight into peace activism.


As a resident of Orange County for over 30 years and a teacher of government, I can unequivocally state that the peace movement here has an active membership far beyond Dornan’s “1%.” And if Dornan would talk with the professional strata of Orange County, he would find that the peace movement is having an impact on modern American life.


Santa Ana

Hartman heads the political science department at Rancho Santiago College in Santa Ana.
