
“Mud Flats and Bird Talks” is the...

“Mud Flats and Bird Talks” is the focus of Sunday’s all-day family outing sponsored by the Cabrillo Marine Museum in San Pedro. The day begins with a look at the museum’s mud flat displays, including an opportunity to watch ghost shrimp making a tunnel and innkeeper worms ventilating their burrows. Then it’s off by car pool to Upper Newport Bay, a 40-minute drive, with the rest of the day devoted to first-hand views and discussions of the bay’s ecology.

The 9 a.m.-to-3 p.m. session is geared to parents and children, with no restriction on age. Marine educator Steve Vogel will lead the walk.

The museum is at 3720 Stephen White Drive in San Pedro. Reservations are required: (213) 548-7562. The cost is $10 per person.



Earth Paintings--At this week’s Sunday Open Sunday workshop at Barnsdall Park’s Junior Art Center, artist Lori Wolf will go beyond oils and acrylics to show how paints can be made from nature. Participants will use cornmeal, seaweed, flowers, twigs, soil and more. Wear old clothes. The free workshop begins at 2 p.m. at 4800 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood. Information: (213) 485-4474.


Dog Show--The Kennel Club of Beverly Hills All Breed Dog Show will bring together more than 2,800 dogs Sunday at the Sports Arena. Judging will run from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., interspersed with special events such as herding demonstrations and relay races. Families can see these prize pooches being primed for their moment in the sportlight and owners are usually eager to “talk breed.” Admission is $3.50 for adults, 75 cents for children.
