
Iran-Contra Deal Damages Reagan, Iowa Poll Indicates

Associated Press

For the first time, a majority of Iowa residents surveyed in a newspaper poll said they disapprove of the way President Reagan is doing his job, but most still consider him a decent and honorable man.

Wide majorities of those questioned in the copyright Iowa Poll, published in the Des Moines Register, objected to U.S. arms sales to Iran and the diversion of funds from those sales to Nicaraguan rebels.

The poll of 701 Iowans ages 18 and over took place between Dec. 8 and Dec. 16.

Fifty-five percent said they disapprove of the way Reagan is performing his duties as President. In contrast, 39% of those surveyed in September disapproved of the President’s performance, the Register reported.


In view of what is known about the arms deals, 24% of those surveyed this month said they felt that the President should resign and 18% said he should be impeached.
