
Rough Sledding

With Christmas approaching, a thought occurred regarding Santa. You know, it would be rough sledding for the old man on his annual Christmas visit to the United States if he were forced to meet all the federal regulations that affect him.

For example, as a foreign visitor, he would need a visa.

He’d need health certificates for each of his eight reindeer, and they would probably have to go through a Department of Agriculture quarantine.

Santa is the owner and operator of a private delivery service, so the post office would have regulations . . . no first-class mail except packages and that means no Christmas cards.


And because Santa is a toy manufacturer, his products would have to meet the regulations of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Perhaps the toughest would be the regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration, and trying to convince them that Santa’s sleigh with eight reindeer power was air worthy enough to cross American air space. And of course Santa would need a pilot’s license.

That makes enough bureaucratic red tape to wrap his gifts many times over!


Phoenix, Ariz.

