
Is Contra War Over?

Peter Hamill’s jubilant obituary (Editorial Pages, Dec. 1) for the contras is more than merely premature--it is preposterous.

He displays a profound arrogance and ignorance in his attempt to dismiss the rebels with his cynical claim that Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North’s actions discredit the very cause of the democratic Nicaraguan resistance itself. It does not.

Hamill completely ignores the root causes of the Nicaraguan civil war and the reasons why 20,000 Nicaraguan peasants fight and will continue to fight in spite of this and any other setback.

So in response to Hamill’s gushing proclamation, here are three worthy quotes:

Mark Twain’s “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”

Yogi Berra’s “It ain’t over till it’s over.”

And the contras’ “Venceremos!”-- “We will win!”


Los Angeles

Miltenberg is district chairman of the 25th Congressional District of Citizens for America, a President Reagan support group.
