
Bacteria Detected in Some Raw Milk; Officials Order It Taken From Stores

State health officials have ordered that certain batches of Stueve’s Natural raw certified whole milk and non-fat milk be removed from store shelves after routine laboratory tests showed it contains harmful salmonella bacteria.

Consumers who purchased the raw milk cartons with the designated code Nov. 12-A are advised to discard the milk or return it to the store, William Ihle, health department spokesman, said Saturday.

About 10,000 gallons of the milk were distributed statewide, much of it in the Los Angeles area. Stores have been removing it from their shelves, and there have been no reports of illness attributed to the milk, Ihle said.


Salmonella bacteria can cause diarrhea, fever and nausea, and is potentially fatal for infants, the elderly and those in poor health. Those who drank the milk were advised to contact a doctor.
