
Baby Girl’s Birth Starts Out Badly, Then Gets Worse

From Associated Press

A baby girl was in guarded condition at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center today after a car crash that followed a front-seat birth with her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck.

Enrique Echabarria and Margarita Diaz were en route to the hospital shortly before 3 a.m., with Diaz in labor, when she gave birth to the girl on the front seat of the car.

She exclaimed that the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck, and Echabarria, still driving, reached with one hand to unwrap the cord, taking his eyes off the road.


The car jumped a curb and struck a light pole.

Arriving paramedics cut the cord, and the baby and her parents were taken to County-USC, where the mother was hospitalized in fair condition.
