
Countywide : Undersheriff Ramos Honored by Latin Group

Undersheriff Raul A. Ramos has been named Outstanding Hispanic in Law Enforcement for 1986 by the League of United Latin American Citizens.

Ramos came to Orange County in 1975 as chief deputy in charge of special services. Three years later, he was promoted to assistant sheriff in charge of operations and was given the post of undersheriff when it was created in 1984.

Ramos started his law enforcement career in Ventura County, where he and his seven siblings were reared by a Mexican immigrant father and a mother who was the child of Mexican immigrants.


He joined the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department as a deputy sheriff in 1957. In his 18 years with that department, he was promoted through the ranks from jail duty all the way up through chief deputy of the patrol division.
