
Countywide : Two Hearings Set on Proposed Gas Rate Hike

County customers of the Southern California Gas Co. can voice their reactions to a company-proposed $277.3-million rate increase during hearings this monthand next before the state Public Utilities Commission.

Public testimony will be accepted beginning at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 22 in the State Office Building Auditorium in Los Angeles and at 7 p.m. on Nov. 17 in the Palm Desert City Council Chambers.

The company is proposing rate increases that would raise the average monthly residential bill from its present $27.84 to $36.46, according to PUC estimates. The company is justifying the increases on grounds that they will keep industrial gas rates low enough to prevent industries from switching to other fuels.


Those requiring special accommodations to testify, such as a sign language interpreter, must inform the PUC at least five working days before the hearing by telephoning (213) 620-3454 or the TDD number (213) 620-4556.

The State Office Building is at 107 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Palm Desert City Hall is at 73-510 Fred Waring Drive.
