
Proposition 63: Official Language

Proposition 63 is just one more manifestation of the mean-spirited ethnocentricity and xenophobia that have resurfaced in the American psyche.

In The Times’ eloquent and compassionate editorial against the proposition, it was correctly pointed out that the “small-minded attitude” that informs it is “unworthy of a state that prides itself on being in the forefront of progress and change not just for this country but for the entire world.”

Sadly, however, I think that has changed. In the editorial’s last paragraph The Times expresses much more optimism than I have regarding the outcome of the vote on Proposition 63. Are Californians today really “just too smart, too generous, too open-minded and too confident to let themselves be fooled into approving” this ill-conceived amendment to their state constitution?


I wouldn’t bet my last nickel on it. What I would bet it on is that Proposition 63 will win by a landslide.


Los Angeles
