
Last Game in Chess Match Adjourned

The final game of the 1986 world chess championship between champion Gary Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov was adjourned Wednesday in Leningrad.

Karpov had promised that he would try hard to win, and he kept his word. The game is scheduled to resume today.

Kasparov’s draw in the 23rd game on Monday, which gave him a 12-11 lead in points, guaranteed that he will remain the champion. Wednesday’s game was merely an opportunity for Karpov to tie the match.


Wednesday’s game was the 24th in the current match, and the 96th in three years between Kasparov and Karpov.

The players have already announced that they will donate the $900,000 in prize money to victims of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident.

Karpov will face Andrei Sokolov, another young Soviet grandmaster, in a match next February. The winner will meet Kasparov in the 1987 world championship.
