
Huntington Beach : Sierra Club Asks Public to Help Clean Up Beach

In honor of national “Coast Week,” the Orange County chapter of the Sierra Club is sponsoring a beach cleanup in Huntington Beach, said the chapter’s conservation chairman, Bernie Lipman.

“Huntington is the most widely used beach, it attracts the most people, it gets the most dirt,” Lipman explained. To counteract the pollution, and in celebration of beaches as a precious resource, the club is sponsoring a public cleanup today.

Volunteers should gather at Brookhurst Street and Pacific Coast Highway at 5 p.m., Lipman said. The state will provide trucks to haul away trash, and the Mobil Chemical Co. is providing 800 plastic bags. Participants should remember to bring rubber gloves, he said.


The plan is to spread out volunteers along the beach and have them walk from the highway to the waterline and back, “picking up everything but sand,” Lipman said.
