
Jesse Jackson Meets South African Rebel Leaders in Zambia

From Reuters

The Rev. Jesse Jackson met Saturday with leaders of South Africa’s main anti-apartheid guerrilla group and said President Reagan should do the same. He said talks between the African National Congress and Reagan and other U.S. officials could help avoid a bloodbath in South Africa.

No details of what was discussed emerged from Jackson’s private meeting, which lasted more than two hours.

Alfred Nzo, secretary general of the congress, speaking at a press conference with Jackson, did not rule out the possibility of negotiations with South Africa but said armed struggle is central to the ANC’s strategy.


The African National Congress, the main group fighting white domination in South Africa, will not negotiate just for the sake of negotiating, he said.

Jackson, on the sixth leg of an eight-nation African tour, leaves for Tanzania today. He has already visited Nigeria, the Congo, Angola, Botswana and Mozambique. He will go to Zimbabwe after Tanzania.
