
Carson : Trash Increase Deferred

Without discussion, the Council deferred action on a proposed increase in the fee for hauling trash requested by Western Waste Co., the city’s hauler.

Western Waste argued that it was hit unexpectedly by increased dump fees and insurance costs and was entitled to an increase according to its contract. For the rest of 1986, it sought to increase its $7.15 monthly fee to $9.55. For 1987, the company wanted to raise monthly fees from the $7.57 called for in the contract to $10.11. For the first six months of 1988, Western wanted to increase fees from $8.02 to $10.71 a month.

After analyzing Western Waste’s dump fees and insurance costs, Assistant City Administrator Sharon Hepburn concluded the company was entitled to raise fees from $7.15 to $9.06--49 cents less than the company sought--for the rest of 1986. For the first six months of 1987, Hepburn recommended an increase to $9.48--63 cents less than the company requested.
