
Laguna Beach : Fire Department Seeks Volunteer Inspectors

The Fire Department is looking for volunteers to serve as smoke detector inspectors.

“Everyone who always wanted to help the Fire Department, this is their big chance,” said Charla McNeff of the South Orange County Volunteer Center, which is arranging interviews.

As inspectors, the chosen volunteers will be enforcing a city ordinance that requires that all homes sold include a working smoke detector. Additionally, inspectors can advise homeowners on how to best locate smoke detectors.

Volunteers will be given 20 cents a mile for gasoline, and they will be trained by the Fire Department. The requirements: a valid driver’s license, a vehicle and the ability to use stairs without any problems.


Volunteers will spend one morning or afternoon per week in the program, which will save the Fire Department an estimated 100 hours of firefighter time each week.

For interviews, call the Volunteer Center at (714) 582-3176.
