
Seal Beach : City Council Approves ‘Status Quo’ Budget

The City Council has unanimously approved a $12.36-million city budget for fiscal, while projecting $13.9 million in revenues.

The newly adopted budget shows a slight decrease from the $12.7 million spent last year due to the completion of road construction projects, Assistant City Manager Dan Joseph said.

The budget, described as a “status quo” package by Joseph, includes an expenditure of about $40,000 in salary and benefits to add an officer to the Police Department.


The position represents the department’s first addition in more than six years, Joseph said, and will raise its total number of officers to 39.

The council also authorized the expenditure of $350,000 to purchase 1.6 acres of playing fields and open space at the Zoeter School site from the Los Alamitos Unified School District.

Under state law, the city may purchase 30% of the property at the closed school for 25% of its market value for preservation as a community recreation site.


The sum for the land purchase was set aside in last year’s budget pending negotiations with the school district.

The council also voted to explore the possibility of acquiring the rest of the school, which currently houses a private day-care program.
