
Week in Review : MAJOR EVENTS, IMAGES AND PEOPLE IN ORANGE COUNTY NEWS : CITIES : Measure C Proponents Abandon Bid for Recount

<i> Times staff writer</i> s<i> Gary Jarlson and Barry S. Surman compiled the Week in Review stories. </i>

Santa Ana residents favoring a change in their City Council’s structure dropped a recount bid last Wednesday on Measure C, which would have mandated district election of council members and a citywide ballot for mayor.

The measure failed by only 257 votes out of 22,707 cast in the June 3 election. After the abortive recount--which included about a third of the city’s precincts--the reformers had picked up only two votes.

Some of the measure’s backers, members of the Santa Ana Merged Society of Neighbors, now claim that irregularities at the polls--50 ballot cards that may have been stuck together when they were punched by voters--justify a new election.


The group was trying to raise more than $3,000 to press their claim in Orange County Superior Court. And other backers of Measure C have promised to again circulate petitions to force another vote on council reorganization in November.
