
Westwood : Access Task Force Formed

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In response to complaints that UCLA has discriminated against the disabled in admissions and hiring practices and in providing access to university facilities for the handicapped, Chancellor Charles E. Young has created a task force “to enhance UCLA’s responsiveness to the needs of the disabled on campus.”

Young also appointed Robert Wellman, a principal administrative analyst in the chancellor’s office and a 32-year member of the UCLA staff, as the university’s federally required “504 compliance officer.”

As compliance officer, Wellman will coordinate all campus efforts to comply with Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its requirements on behalf of the disabled.


The California Assn. of the Physically Handicapped demonstrated at UCLA on June 6 to protest the group’s “extreme dissatisfaction” with the university’s policies for the disabled.

Young said that the new Disability Compliance Task Force will review and implement recommendations from an advisory committee that has been meeting with groups representing the handicapped.

Young said he intends “to make UCLA as barrier-free as possible, within the constraints imposed by our geography, and to provide outreach and support services which are fully responsive to the needs of disabled individuals.”
