
Arboretum Looks to Present, Future

Times Staff Writer

Momentum is building within the California Arboretum Foundation, dedicated to the Arboretum, the Los Angeles County facility in Arcadia. Trustees and friends collaborated for a cocktail buffet planned by trustee Suzie Miller and catered by Sue Campoy to dedicate the new Stairway Gardens, a gift of materials and labor from the California Landscape Contractors Assn. valued at $80,000. More than 100 guests walked away with Tabebuia impetiginosa, small green plants that will grow, the arboretum promises, into lovely flowering trees.

The occasion had another thrust: to announce “Forward Steps to the Future” and to introduce Grant Jones (Jones & Jones Inc. of Seattle), who has been hired by foundation trustees to draw up a master plan for the future of the arboretum, and John Brakeley, Jack Brown and Carolyn Pegg of Brakeley, John Price Jones Inc., hired to develop the funds needed to execute the master plan.

During the evening Alice Thomas was elected president of the foundation board. Others chosen were Richard Ray, first vice president; Mrs. Miller, second vice president, and Hank Jordan, secretary-treasurer. New trustees are Dorrie Poole, Diane Martin, Robert Powell, Marla Carter and Richard Grant.

Kudos were going to Arboretum director Francis Ching before he left for Honolulu to be made an honorary life member of the American Assn. of Botanic Gardens and Arboreta. And all proper respect was going to Dr. Samuel Ayres Jr., Los Angeles dermatologist and ardent horticulturist, who saw the need for a testing ground and founded the arboretum. Both the yellow Arctotheca calendula and the white Osteospermum that line Los Angeles freeways and hillsides are an example of his industry to introduce it to the nursery trade.


Among supporters attending were Arthur and Marion Heath, William and Janet Peters, Bob and Ione Paradise, Ben and Robin Stafford, Paul and Didi Engler, Bruce and Joanne McCallum, Leland and Ruth Mary Larson, Eileen Hume, Hannah Bradley, John and Elaine Hoffman, Carol and Gary Overturf, Tootie and John Grivich, Kathleen Gilcrest, Nancy and Charles Baillie, Marilyn and Randall Stoke, John and Cathy Provine, Kirk and Midge Evans and Richard and Betty Baker.

Three times each, around the Grand Ballroom of the Beverly Wilshire, the 25 debutantes for the 25th anniversary Pasadena Guild of Childrens Hospital June Debutante Ball curtsied. The quivering nosegays were the indicator of the nerve level. It all prompted one white-tailed gentleman to observe, “Curtseying should be outlawed as cruel and unkind.”

Nevertheless, the occasion was unblemished, and the smiles were gracious from this group’s pretty crop of debs: Misses Liza Arcinue, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Edgardo Llamas Arcinue; Ann Beman, the John Burris Bemans Jr.; Heather Bohr, Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Bohr; Kathryn Boyle, the James Boyles Jr.; Karen Cooper, Mrs. Richard A. Heimann and William Cooper; Sarah Cunningham, the David Cunninghams; Kimberly Ebershoff, the David Ebershoffs; Marie Femino, Dr. and Mrs. James Femino; Sharon Ferguson, the Cleve Fergusons; Stacey French, the John H. B. Frenches; Laura Galbraith, the James M. Galbraiths; Catherine Haltom, the Frank Haltoms; Joanna Ivey, Mrs. Herbert Dee Ivey Jr., and the late Mr. Ivey; Christa Johnson, the Thomas Johnsons; Wendy Marsh, the Murray Marshes Jr.; Katherine McCutchan, the Thomas McCutchans; Terry Myers, the Gerald Myers Jr.; Albertina Niblo, James E. Niblo, and the late Albertina Rodi Niblo; Laurie Oltmans, the Joseph Oltmans II; Susan Pitts, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Pitts II; Cynthia Riley, the Kenneth Rileys; Andrea Mercedes Simpson, the Jeremy Simpsons; Amy Seidel, the Bruce Seidels; Rebecca Smith, the Edward Smiths, and Nicole Susnar, the Robert Susnars Jr. At least one grandmother was seen to brush away a tear.


Mrs. Warren Brooks Williamson, ball chairman, and Mrs. Boyd Higgins, assistant chairman, watched with their husbands as Bradford Hall announced the young women and as guild president Barbara Taft Galpin, there with husband Kennedy Galpin, revealed that funds will go for the establishment of a section of molecular genetics at the hospital. That pleased H. Russell and Jean Smith. (He’s chairman of the hospital.)

It was a pretty crowd, dining on filet de bouef roti, and enjoying the waiters’ jubilant march-in of souffle Alaska. Among the many were Mrs. Benjamin Durward Howes III and Mrs. William George Williams Jr., responsible for the beribboned pink tablecloths and the napkins edged in lace. More attending were the William Plunketts, the Charles Warfields, the William Taverners III, the Roberts Browns, the Robert Burfords, Miss Jennifer Cooper with Chandler Williamson, the Kingston McKees, the Richard Van Vorsts, the Danford Bakers, the Lawrence H. Forsches, the Warren J. Arnetts, the Douglas M. Longyears (he headed the floor committee), Dr. and Mrs. James Caillouette, the Louis Joneses, the Frank Paynes, the Hugh Wilsons and the Alfred Ducketts.

Partners For has reached its goal of $1.3 million for the Music Center Unified Fund Campaign ’86 and will celebrate at a luncheon Friday in the Blue Ribbon Room of the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. Members of the Royal Shakespeare Company currently performing “Nicholas Nickleby” at the Ahmanson will discuss techniques and perform excerpts. Outgoing chairman Nancy Easterly will award the silver celebration tray to the committee raising the most money. Esther Wachtell, executive vice president, Music Center, will present the Wine Cooler to the group responsible for the biggest percentage increase.


Los Angeles Chapter of Hadassah kicks off a week of festivities for its 70th birthday with a concert at the Wilshire Ebell Theater on Sunday. According to Bess Karniol, president, the Los Angeles Doctors Symphony, led by Ruben Gurevich, will perform.
