
Irvine : Girl Raped in Home; Cries Go Unheeded

Despite her cries for help, a 14-year-old girl was raped Sunday evening in her Woodbridge home, Irvine police said.

The rapist “was in her bedroom when she walked in,” said Sgt. Dick Bowman. The girl called for help from her parents, who were also in the house, but they evidently could not hear her.

Children were playing noisily outside the house, Bowman said.

The rapist “brandished a knife” but did not use it on the victim, the police spokesman said.


The attacker, last seen near Culver Drive and Irvine Center Drive, was about 27 or 28 years old, six feet tall and 180 pounds, Bowman said. The man had brown hair, blue eyes and a light mustache and wore tan pants and a green shirt.
