
Marine Museum

Much as I admire Harriet Cohn, the Cabrillo Marine Museum Volunteers, and the museum itself, I found myself muttering “what nonsense!” as I read her letter (May 20), which purportedly gives reasons for the nonvalidity of the desire to have a marine museum in the Venice area, as suggested by Assemblywoman Gwen Moore of Los Angeles.

If Cohn will look at a map of our coastline, and peg off the distance from Venice to the tip of San Pedro, she will discover that it is a bit long for our youngsters to walk, bike, roller-skate, skateboard or pogostick in order to see and “study displays about coastal life.”

It appears to me to be a bit dog-in-the-mangerish to suggest that this coastline can support only one museum between San Diego and Monterey (or even Morro Bay).


I, for one, would be delighted to help volunteer at a Venice marine museum--if it can be built--following the lead (not the footsteps! No one can) of John Olguin. And what’s more, I should hope that the Cabrillo Marine Museum Volunteers would be among the first to offer their expertise, know-how and physical assistance in promoting such an endeavor.


Santa Monica
