
“TELEVISION NEWS,” 9 a.m., Wednesday (9)--Of ...

“TELEVISION NEWS,” 9 a.m., Wednesday (9)--Of course , KHJ-TV Channel 9’s “MMLA” would do a theme show examining one of today’s most relevant topics, TV news. And then the entire Thursday show naturally will focus on the multitude of Republican candidates vying for Sen. Alan Cranston’s seat.

The ratings may not show it, but “MMLA” (which also has gone by “Midmorning L.A.” and many other names in its long life) is the best local morning talk show. Almost always has been.

The splashier, more-watched 9 a.m. competition, “A.M. Los Angeles” on KABC Channel 7, isn’t even close. Not that “A.M. Los Angeles” wouldn’t do a theme show. But who wants an hour on lip gloss?


Why is “MMLA” so swell?

For one thing, it’s comfortable , and you can credit co-host Meredith MacRae for that. MacRae, who has outlasted several male co-hosts, is a one-woman welcome wagon. She gets an A-plus for warmth and sincerity. None of the phony smiles you get on the other program. This woman means it.

What’s more, “MMLA” and MacRae stay on top of the news. The 90-minute program’s execution sometimes falters, but at the very least, it treats daytime viewers with respect, not as a group with the collective IQ of a frog.

So a theme show on TV news fits the “MMLA” mold of being topical while entertaining. “We decided to do it because a lot of our callers gripe on the phone about the way the news is handled,” said producer Willie Olmstead.


Among the issues to be discussed are the coverage of terrorism, news ethics, fluff versus hard news, news anchors and the effects of ratings. Viewers will be able to call in opinions.

Dick Stuart, one of those auditioning to succeed the recently exited Geoff Edwards as co-host, will be MacRae’s partner for the week. Among the other scheduled participants are Cal State Northridge Prof. Jerry Jacobs and the news directors from KTLA, KCOP and Channel 9.

At last report, the news directors from network stations KNBC and KCBS were undecided about appearing. “MMLA” got rejections from KTTV and from KABC’s news director. Perhaps he’ll be appearing on “A.M. Los Angeles” instead.


As a fashion model.
