
COMMENCEMENT 1986 : Claremont McKenna College

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Claremont McKenna College held its 39th commencement exercises at 2 p.m. Sunday in Badgley Garden on the campus.

Degrees: 217 diplomas awarded.

Speakers: Gov. Bruce Babbitt of Arizona: “Real change comes slowly and incrementally. Laws alone cannot change the heart and soul of people. Because history works in little spurts and on the level of individual actors, it is possible to make a difference on that level. We work for progress when we work to change a single person. And that is a task beyond none of us.”

Other Graduations:

Judge Cynthia Holcomb Hall, U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, spoke Sunday at Scripps College’s 56th annual commencement exercises. The independent, liberal arts school for women held its ceremony at 3 p.m. and awarded 130 diplomas.


Harvey Mudd College held its 28th annual graduation ceremony at 4 p.m. Sunday on the Braun Liquid Ambar Mall. Margaret L. A. MacVicar, dean of undergraduate studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and vice president of the Carnegie Institution, spoke. Awarded were 112 bachelor of science degrees and 12 master of engineering degrees.

Carlos Fuentes, Mexico’s most prominent novelist and diplomat, spoke to 294 graduates at Pomona College’s 93rd annual commencement exercises that were held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in Bridges Auditorium. W. T. Jones, emeritus professor of philosophy at Pomona College and Caltech, was awarded an honorary doctor of humane letters degree.

Pitzer College celebrated its 22nd annual graduation at 1 p.m. Sunday on the Pellissier Mall. Alfred Bloom, newly appointed vice president for academic affairs and dean of faculty, delivered the commencement address to 153 candidates for bachelor of arts degrees.
