
Fan Charges Jackson With Battery After Altercation in Milwaukee Bar

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Times Staff Writer

Angel designated hitter Reggie Jackson allegedly assaulted and injured an autograph-seeking fan in a Milwaukee bar Saturday evening.

According to a report filed with the Milwaukee Police Dept., Donald Weimer, 26, of Racine, Wis., sustained a chipped tooth and cuts on his chin and forehead during an argument with Jackson after Jackson refused to give him an autograph.

Weimer approached Jackson at Major Goolsby’s, a downtown restaurant-bar located across the street from the Hyatt Regency, where the Angels are staying during their weekend series with the Milwaukee Brewers.


Jackson reportedly refused to sign for Weimer, but an employee at the bar obtained an autograph and gave it to Weimer. Weimer then took the autograph, walked back to Jackson, tore the paper in half and threw it on Jackson’s table.

According to the report, Jackson then attacked Weimer from behind, throwing him on the table and then to the floor before employees broke up the altercation.

Weimer was taken by ambulance to Mt. Sinai Hospital, where he received stitches in his jaw and was later released.


A customer at Major Goolsby’s, Largent Parks, of Santa Barbara, said he was in the bar about 5:30 p.m. Saturday when the argument started.

“I saw the guy (Weimer) walk over to Reggie’s table, and then I heard Reggie yell, ‘Pick it up,’ ” Parks said. “The next thing I see is Reggie choking the guy. He hit his head on the table and just collapsed on the floor.

“Reggie wanted him to get up and go outside and fight. But blood was pouring out of the guy’s head.”


Parks said several Angel players were at Jackson’s table but did not attempt to intercede.

“That was the worst part,” he said. “The players just looked the other way. They sat down and acted like nothing ever happened.

“It was ugly. I’m a fan of Reggie’s, but I don’t like to see a guy that strong taking on someone half his size.”

Jackson confirmed that words were exchanged after Weimer threw the torn autograph on his table but denied pushing Weimer, claiming Weimer slipped and fell.

“The guy tears up a piece of paper I signed earlier, throws it on our food, which was french fries,” Jackson said. He said the man then uttered a profanity.

Weimer filed a battery complaint with the Milwaukee police and will press misdemeanor charges. Police Captain Jerome Neuman said an arrest warrant will be given to Jackson, possibly at today’s game, and a police detective has questioned Jackson about the incident.

The Angels said Jackson will not miss any games because of the altercation.

“They are misdemeanor charges,” Angel spokesman Tim Mead said. “Any actions taken against Reggie will not take him away from the team.”
