

Paramount likes the money its gross “Friday the 13th” series rakes in--but could the studio be a little embarrassed about its critically bludgeoned slasher pics?

Well, the latest installment--that’s Part VI-- is filming under an assumed title.

According to persons connected to “Aladdin Sane,” currently filming in a little town in Georgia, it’s actually “Friday the 13th, Part VI.” (The fake title comes from a David Bowie album and sounds suspiciously like “a lad insane.”)

Written and directed by Tom McLoughlin for Terror Inc., “Aladdin Sane”/”Friday the 13th, Part VI” stars gore vet Thom Mathews (“Return of the Living Dead”). The story line finds the indestructible Jason coming back from a deadly lightning strike. . . .


Asked about the Georgia shoot, a Paramount spokeswoman stressed that the “13th” films are indie productions that are picked up for distribution--so until such a pickup is made, “We would have no comment.”
