
Naiman Elected Leader of Mortgage Brokers Group

Gary F. Naiman, president of Pioneer Mortgage Sales, San Diego, has been elected 1986 president of the Mortgage Brokers Institute, a statewide organization of loan brokers and others in real estate finance.

Other new officers of the Los Angeles-based association are Dana Pefferle, Equity Home Loans, Campbell, Calif., vice president; Michael Burwell, Redwood Home Loans, Redwood City, treasurer, and Clive Hoffman, Los Angeles, who has served the institute for 18 years as executive director, secretary.

Members of the board of trustees are Stanley M. Zimmerman, Home Budget Loans, Los Angeles; Brian Chisick, First Alliance Mortgage Co., Santa Ana; David Yancey, Crown Capital Corp., San Jose; Morrie Rosenberg, Statewide Home Loans, Encino; N. Mitchell Feinstein, legal counsel for the institute, and past president S. Guy Puccio, Parkway Mortgage, Hayward.


The institute was founded in 1951 and maintains close liaison with the Department of Real Estate and the Corporations Department, as well as such professional associations as the California Assn. of Realtors and the National Second Mortgage Assn.
