
Victim in Death Linked to Tylenol Bought Cyanide

United Press International

An ardent Jehovah’s Witness preacher who died of a massive dose of cyanide in a case linked to Tylenol poisoning purchased a pound of the lethal chemical last week, police said today.

Timothy Green, 32, bought the cyanide on Feb.18 under the guise of using it to clean jewelry, Police Sgt. Dave Roberts said at a hastily called news conference.

Asked by reporters if authorities were ready to say Green killed himself, Roberts replied: “I’m not saying we’re strongly pointing at it but we’re not ruling it out.”


Green, formerly of St. Paul, Minn., was found dead in his bed at a duplex apartment Sunday. Under his bed was a 24-capsule bottle of Extra-Strength Tylenol with one capsule remaining.

Tennessee authorities said preliminary tests showed the pill and bottle were tainted with cyanide.
