
RV Law Would Hurt Norwalk

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I am concerned for the future of the City of Norwalk if a proposed ordinance is approved allowing 60% of the front or side yards to be paved or otherwise utilized for the parking of recreational vehicles. It is not in the best interest of the majority of the citizens of Norwalk.

If this ordinance is passed, then others could ask to have an ordinance allowing the construction of additional rooms or garages in 60% of the front or side yards. New communities are required to have greenbelts to provide for grass, flowers and trees to enhance the neighborhoods. While other cities are passing ordinances to clean up their cities, Norwalk is going backward and will soon become a giant parking lot with no greenery.

The City Council and the Planning Commission should be looking for ways to improve the appearance of our city, not allowing the deterioration of our neighborhoods by passing such an ordinance. Only a small minority of the people in Norwalk own recreational vehicles, and they want an ordinance to protect their interests.


A meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at the Norwalk Park to form committees to review the proposed ordinance. A few people on these committees will determine the future of Norwalk. Residents who cannot attend this meeting to protect their interests as property owners should write or phone the City Council members, asking them to protect property values.


