
More on Prop. 13

The original program to pass Proposition 13 was a classic campaign of “Big Lies”: Landlords will pass along the savings to renters, government spending will go down and essential services will not be cut.

Now the selfish “haves” who benefit by this law are campaigning to maintain it with a new outrageous lie: Today’s home buyer is better off with Proposition 13 than before.

Proposition 13 is Robin Hood in reverse, a vicious inequity of mind-boggling proportions, an annual, multibillion-dollar redistribution of wealth from poor to rich.


Eventually the voters of this state will reject this baldfaced perversion of the principles of democracy and equality, and Plague 13 will be remembered as nothing more than a California footnote to voodoo economics, an aberrant decade which briefly interrupted centuries of social, economic and humanitarian progress.


Los Angeles
