
Long Beach

The City Council on Tuesday delayed action on a citizen committee’s proposal for a full-time mayor and council.

But council members agreed to discuss the detailed plan to restructure city government on Jan. 7.

The proposal was forwarded to the council last week by the Citizens To Evaluate a Full-Time Mayor and City Council, a broad-based group organized last summer to study city government.


Under the plan, a full-time mayor would make $65,000 a year. Council members would receive $39,000. Council members are now paid $12,000 annually, and the mayor, who is selected every two years by his colleagues, receives $13,200.

Council members still would be chosen by voters in nine districts, with only the mayor going before the voters citywide.

The City Council, acting as the Charter Committee, will have to endorse the new plan by March 4 in order to place it on the June ballot.
