

Norwalk Sheriff’s deputies have begun compiling a list of disabled persons who would need help in an emergency, such as a major earthquake.

Sgt. Jack Kuner, of the Community Involvement Unit, said those listed would receive priority assistance from the sheriff’s station and other disaster agencies in the event of a major emergency.

“If we could determine ahead of time who would have difficulty in communicating or getting to a safe place, it would make it a little easier,” Kuner said.


Kuner said that applications, in both English and Spanish, had been sent out to state rehabilitation centers, senior centers and to disabled groups. Inclusion on the list is voluntary and about 60 persons already are on file in the station’s service area, which covers Santa Fe Springs, Norwalk, La Mirada and the unincorporated area of Whittier.

Kuner said because of the nature of disasters it cannot be guaranteed that persons on the list would receive immediate attention, “but it is generally a super program. People will feel a little more comfortable that we are there and know about them.”

Disabled persons interested in an application may contact the Norwalk Sheriff’s station at 863-8711.
