
Light Traveler Ready for Day, Evening

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Question: I’m going to Europe soon and must travel light because I have a bad back. What can I take as an evening look? I’d prefer something I could dress up or down to wear both day and night. I’m 33, 5-foot-7, and wear a Size 12.--A.D.

Answer: Follow New York designer Donna Karan’s lead by packing a basic bodysuit, then layering it with tie-on skirts. The look illustrated here combines Karan’s knit bodysuit with a wraparound, sequined skirt cut something like a pareu.

Karan’s versions are cut on the bias and have extensions that function much like apron strings, but if you can’t afford her original, you can effect a similar look by buying two yards of 45-inch fabric and creating your own pareu.


Instructions for wrapping the pareu are available in Patterns Pacifica Style 5020. If you can’t find it in your local fabric shop, write directly to Pauloa Hawaii, 519 Reed Lane, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. If you don’t like the idea of sequins, try matte jersey, wool jersey, cashmere or silk charmeuse. All of these fabrics can be worn day and night. Or wait for Karan’s original design to become available in pattern form. The four major pattern companies are all vying for her designs.

Q: In mid-November, a friend and I plan to vacation in England and Scotland. In addition to the usual tourist spots, we will be venturing off the beaten path to see the most remote castles. Please tell us what people there will be wearing, and give us some hints as to what might be acceptable and practical for us to wear. We both are 20 years old and not very conservative dressers.--L.P.

A: Take whatever clothes you normally wear, but cover them with a good, classic raincoat with zip-out lining. It will rain a lot during your stay, and the people in England and Scotland will dress for the weather.


If you’re going to London, take your most avant-garde clothes, as London is the home of fashion invention. Anything goes. Once you get out of the city you’ll see more of the classics normally associated with Great Britain--classics such as hip-stitch, pleated plaid skirts, Fair Isle sweaters, hand-knit sweaters, Burberry raincoats, cashmere sweaters, horse-print head scarfs. You won’t go wrong if you dress like Lady Di, as she commutes regularly between London and Scotland. And don’t forget your overshoes!

Q: Where can we go to have cheerleader sweaters knitted to our specifications? Would the same source offer shoes? We especially need the kind worn when you build a people pyramid.--A.C.

A: You might want to write for the brochure published by U. S. Spiritleaders, 4012 Katella Ave., Suite 104, Los Alamitos, Calif. 90720. This company offers both items you need, plus many others. If you decide to buy something, your purchase order must be signed by your principal, superintendent or authorized bookkeeper, as this firm does not deal with individuals.


Q: In a recent column, you referred a reader to J & N Naturals, Box 3361, Arcadia, Calif. 91006. I’ve heard they’ve gone out of business. Please verify.--J.P.

A: They have indeed gone out of business. Norman Bolonesi of J & N confirms it.
